USPS is experiencing some minor delays. Please allow for this. Usage Agreement

By browsing or using our Websites at and, or downloading any material from the Websites, you are indicating your acceptance of the Usage Agreement below:

DEFINITIONS - The entire website found at, including all text, images and other online content that comprise the website.

The Website - The sites .

The Content - All content, including but not limited to all text, code, images, graphics, icons, animations, clipart, website templates, Photoshop actions, forum content and messages, that comprise the Websites.

Metric Seals, Inc. - Metric Seals, of Westfield, Indiana, U.S.A., the sole owner of the copyright and all other rights in and to

The User - The person who is using,    i.e. you.


All of the Content is copyright © Metric Seals, Inc 2017 and may not be reproduced without permission

If you use any of the Content on your website, you must include a copyright message on your website as follows:

"Portions of this website were created using the free web resources available at and are copyright Metric Seals, Inc. 2017"

This copyright message must appear on at least one page of your website, and that page (or pages) must be easily accessible from the main page of your website. The message should be easily visible to anyone visiting the page, and should not be hidden so that it is only visible by examining the source HTML.


The User may use the Content for producing their own personal websites, or websites for their own business, provided the websites belong to the User, and that the User does not imply that they created the Content or that they claim any ownership of copyright over the Content. The Content may not be used to produce material that is obscene, racist, pornographic or otherwise of an adult mature.

The User may modify and use the Content for their own use. The User may not use the Content to produce derivative work for a third party.


The User may not use any of the Content to design or produce websites or any other derivative work for a third party, whether for free or for profit.  


The Websites are provided "as is" and without any warranties as to performance or merchantability, or any other warranties, whether expressed or implied. The User accepts the Websites "with all faults".

No warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is made with respect to the Websites. The User assumes the entire risk of using these Websites. Under no circumstances shall Metric Seals, Inc. be required or obliged to provide any support or assistance to the User with respect to the Websites.

Under no circumstances shall Metric Seals, Inc. be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages or loss, including, without limitation, lost profits or the malfunction of equipment, loss of data or interruption of business, whether such damages are based upon a breach of contract, negligence, strict tort, or any other legal theory, even if Metric Seals, Inc. is made aware of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstances shall Metric Seals, Inc. be liable for any conduct of any person or persons that is associated with the usage of the Websites.


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of United States of America which shall claim venue and jurisdiction for any legal motion or claim arising from this Agreement. This Agreement is void where prohibited by law.

Where one or more terms of this contract are held to be void or unenforceable for whatever reason, any other terms of the contract not so held will remain valid and enforceable at law.

 Metric Seals, Inc. 2017. Unauthorized copying or redistribution prohibited. By using this Website, you are indicating your acceptance of our Usage Agreement.